Our Lady of the Mount and communities along the East Bank Demerara

The parishioners Our Lady of the Mount, Meadow Bank and communities along the East Bank Demerara – Ss. Peter and Paul, St. Joseph, St. Jerome etc gathered together on 13th June, 2010 at the Banks DIH Sports Club, Thirst Park for their Parish Stewardship Conference. There were three short presentations on the following themes: Discipleship, Jesus the Way and Stewards of the Church and the World, which were presented by the members of the Diocesan Stewardship Council. After each presentation the participants went off for group discussion sessions. The three sessions were aimed at affirming that each Christian is called to discipleship patterned on the life of Jesus and is therefore a Christian steward of the Church and in the various places where they find themselves in the world.

After Mass and the lunch break participants gathered for a session examining how parishioners share their time, talent and resources with the community. Participants also learnt the benefits of being a stewardship parish. To close the day they were asked to share their dreams for the parish.