Bishop’s Annual Appeal

The Bishop’s Annual Appeal that started in 2013, has focused on supporting one diocesan ministry per year, until 2018 when for the first time, it focused on three ministries. From 2019 the Appeal will offer parishioners across the diocese more options for supporting the mission of the Church at the diocesan level. The following seven broad ministry areas will recur every year and the appeal itself will run continuously from one year to the next. Diocesan ministries serve the local church, at the national level, in a way that no one parish can.


Seminarian formation – According to Pope Francis the promotion of vocations is the responsibility of every Catholic.  In January 2017 there were two ordinations to the diocesan priesthood – Fr. Joel Rathna and  Fr. Berchmans Devadass.  This was followed in January 2018 by another ordination to the diocesan priesthood – Fr. Carl Philadelphia. Joseph Ojuejiofor and Francis Xavier are at the Seminary doing their final year of theology.  Hopefully this trend will continue in the foreseeable future.  


Vocations support – Accompanying persons who are enquiring about and exploring the possibility of giving their lives in service of the Church – Priesthood, Diaconate, Consecrated life and lay ministry. 


Lay Formation/ Vocation – Since Vatican II lay people have found a vocation in serving the church on a full time basis.  More and more the church is opening its non-sacramental duties to competent laity. The diocese hopes to continue to identify lay leaders and provide them with substantive training – through online and in-person courses – to equip them to better serve the people of God.  


Ongoing Clergy Formation – Ongoing formation is important in a fast changing world.  The clergy will be encouraged to prioritize ongoing formation to better serve the people, and advance the mission of the local Church.


Seminars, Conferences and Other One-time events 

Leaders are invited to attend seminars, conferences, and workshops and to share and learn from their peers in Guyana and the wider Caribbean, in areas such as Communications, Mission and Evangelization, Stewardship & Development, Canon Law and Tribunal, Liturgy, Catechetics, Finance etc. 


Support and development of Catholic media  

The Catholic Standard has a small income but is not enough to take care of all its expenses.  The other media are required to be completely funded, as there is no source of income.  The sustainability and development of Catholic media depends on the generosity and goodwill of people.


With the support and involvement of its parishioners the Church plays a more integral part in sharing the love of God through meeting the needs of people and enabling them to responsible participation in society.  To compliment the efforts of the local Church, Catholic Charities Guyana collaborates with the wider Church and the people and agencies of goodwill.


Support for parishes struggling in their mission to build the faith in their local areas.  Over the recent years close to 3 million were spent annually to support these communities.


Diocesan Offices/Commissions (including the Bishop’s Office) provide services that support parishes and sustain the church at the diocesan level, e.g. the Diocesan Youth Office provides opportunities for youth development; the Catechetical Department spearheads the formation of catechists; Stewardship and Development promotes stewardship as a way of life, including involvement and ownership among parishioners and coordinates the Diocesan Appeal.


This category will support the call of the Universal Church, e.g. the Year of Mercy; or of the Regional (Antilles) Church, e.g. online courses to do with the Pastoral letter on Communication; or of the local diocese, e.g. preparations for the Pan Amazon Synod/ Extraordinary Mission Month 2019.

  1. Annually – You can give a monetary contribution to the Appeal one or more times per year – see Frequency of Giving overleaf.


  1. Monthly – You may wish to pledge an amount which can be paid in monthly installments – see Appeal Gift Plan overleaf


  1. Getting involved in ministry – You can help by using your talent. Look for a way to serve in your parish or the ministries outlined in this brochure.  Call or send an email to the contact provided in this brochure.

To know more about the Appeal, please speak to your parish  representative, email us at or give us a call on 225-0420, 225-0427 or 226-4469

Each year I lay before the faithful of the Diocese the invitation to participate in the Bishop’s Appeal.  My invitation is first to encourage each person to the fullest possible participation in the life and ministry the Diocese and their respective parishes.  Through the Appeal I also lay before the faithful the opening to support the work of the Diocese, in specific areas, through monetary donations in addition to or instead of the hands-on engagement and involvement.


Many have stepped forward to contribute in response to the appeal and contributions have benefited a number of areas of activity in the Diocese.  I wish to register my sincere gratitude to you for supporting the various areas of ministry and outreach.


The work of the Diocese continues and given the areas of need in the Church for its growth and outreach and the areas of need in the wider society, in the foreseeable future, my appeal is extended with an air of urgency that we, as Christians, Catholics, live our baptism to the full.  The Church has a strong and noble tradition, through its members living the Gospel, of attaining a stature and fullness of life while bringing relief and possibility to the world in which it is planted.  This lies at the core of my appeal; that we, in our turn, in our time and circumstance, be faithful to our heritage, live our Baptism and be transforming agents in the world.


There are many ways to participate in the Life and Mission of the Church, some referred to in this brochure and other ways.  I trust that something will appeal to you that would open new possibilities for you in your Christianity and at the same time lift someone in their need.


With the Joy of the Gospel

+ Bishop Francis Alleyne OSB