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The Catholic Standard is a weekly Catholic publication, the sole religious newspaper in Guyana. It was founded in April 1905 by Bishop Theodore Galton SJ.

At the time of its founding, the Catholic Standard was a monthly magazine and remained that way for almost 50 years. In 1954, the Catholic Standard newspaper emerged as a ‘monthly paper’ with the monthly magazine. It developed rapidly to a fortnightly paper, and in January 1962 became a weekly newspaper out every Friday for the weekend, which it has remained since.


During the turbulent period of the 1970’s, 80’s and early 90’s, the Catholic Standard, under the editorship first of Fr. Harold Wong SJ, then of Fr. Andrew Morrison SJ (Editor 1976-1995), played a pivotal role in the struggle for democracy in Guyana, as it was the only independent medium during this time.  Fr. Morrison earned international recognition for himself and the Catholic Standard, receiving six awards for his and the Standard’s struggle for press freedom and democracy in Guyana.


In 2012, the Catholic Standard e-paper was introduced, so the Standard became available both in the print edition, as well as  the e-paper, which  is emailed to subscribers every week.


In 2020, due to the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the paper ceased printing but the e-paper is still exclusively available weekly, either via email to subscribers and now via Issuu.

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